A Time to Speak

A Time to Speak

“What happens when you live longer than you wanted to?

Parvin Blackwater wanted to die, but now she’s being called to be a leader. The only problem is, no one wants to follow.

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The Council is using Jude’s Clock-matching invention to force “new-and-improved” Clocks on the public. Those who can’t afford one are packed into boxcars like cattle and used for the Council’s purposes. Parvin and Solomon team up to rescue the people. Instead, they find themselves on a cargo ship of Radicals headed out to sea. What will the Council do to them? And why are people suddenly dying before their Clocks have zeroed-out?”-summary from Goodreads

*Note: This review contains spoilers from A Time to Die, the previous book.*

Normally, sequels fall pretty flat. They can drag along without a focused plot, just trying to shuffle along the reader from point A to point B, so the author can get to the exciting conclusion.

However, A Time to Speak is a rare exception. A stellar exception, even.

Surprisingly enough, I liked A Time to Speak better than its predecessor, A Time to Die. The characters were marvelous, and I couldn’t help but to love them. And what fun seeing all the new places they ventured to! My one big beef with the book was the ending-I might suggest not reading this book until the third and last book is released in October. (I would hate for any readers to die of an apoplectic fit.)

Now, on to the fun stuff.

Parvin grows so much in this book as she pursues her calling to be a shalom-maker. Now that she knows God has a purpose for her life, she steps out in faith to take action. She’s still the Parvin we met in A Time to Die, but she’s changed in a good way. Even with this transformation, however, she still stumbles in her faith at times.

Thankfully, there’s Solomon Hawke to save the day.

I was pretty upset with Mrs. Brandes after she killed Jude-who happened to be one of my favorite characters in A Time to Die. But I was soon reconciled to his death, largely due to Solomon. He was such a fun character to read, and together he and Parvin had some moments which left me giggling and sighing all at once. I think the best part was how Parvin grew closer to both God and Solomon every time they talked. He was such an encouragement to her and helped strengthen her in the faith by leaps and bounds. I love their relationship and would be very happy to see more of them in A Time to Speak.

Parvin & Co. traveled to so many new and wonderful places. Prime, Lost Angel, and more fun locations were described vividly, and I felt like I was right there, exploring along with them. I won’t say much more about their adventure so I don’t spoil the story, but rest assured it’s a fantastic journey.

A lot of twists and surprises kept me on my toes throughout the whole story and left me with more questions than answers at the end. I will be eagerly awaiting the next book in the series. Until then tally ho!

Content guide (parenthesis may contain minor spoilers):

Violence/Graphic: 7/10(graphic deaths, injuries, attacks, etc)

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Sexual: 2/10(brief kiss, thoughts about kissing, hugs, etc)

Language: 0/10

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