Dear potential reviewers,
If you like to write about books almost as much as you cherish books, then we’re searching for you. In the event that you can be entertaining, keen, energetic, and/or educational about books, and the perusing life, then we are searching for you. If you can come up with ideas, partake in community ventures, and/or offer criticism to others on their thoughts, then we are looking for you. If you can focus on composing no less than one post a month, then we are searching for you!
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Being a reviewer at Analyzing Books is very rewarding,
-Thousands of your peers (and potential employers, clients, or publishers) will read your work, and you’ll also learn a lot in the process—about imparting your thoughts, about composing, and even about the subject/book you thought you definitely knew when you began writing.
-We will give you free books to review! Yup, you heard it right, free books! It doesn’t matter where you live, we can give you ebooks of your choice for free. If you live in United States, Canada, or some countries in Europe, we can give you free signed paperbacks of your choice! For people all around the world, we can try to give you signed paperbacks but not a lot of the authors can ship their books to other countries because of shipping fees but we will try our very best to give books of your choice.
If you would love to be a writer at Analyzing Books, please write at this contact form:
- Your name
- Your email
- Websites if you have any
- Short biography
- What kind of books you’d like to review
- Social Networks such as Twitter, Goodreads, Amazon, Tumblr, Facebook, etc.
- Submit links to at least 2 articles/posts/etc that are book related*
- Lastly, why would you like to be a writer at Analyzing Books (at least 2 sentences)
*The samples can be links to things you’ve already written and published online, things you’ve composed and haven’t yet distributed, or you can compose a post just for this. If you are submitting pieces that have not been previously published, please use Google Docs or Dropbox.
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- If you’re an author or a publisher, and you would like to write a post about your/client’s book, you may do so as long as you write two posts that are book related or two book reviews that haven’t been published yet.
- We accept bylined articles
- Prior experience is not required, and we welcome inquiries from new freelance writers as well.
- In order to write on Analyzing Books, the post has to be at least three paragraphs long (19 sentences).
- You keep the rights to your posts and can do what you like with them after they show up on Analyzing Books. We do require a 48-hour window before they show up somewhere else.
- Your work has to be original. It is really important to send us only work that you made from scratch and not any work that you copied from somewhere else.
- You can pick any type of book to review. It could be poetry, mystery, fantasy, young adult fiction, romance, religious, non-fiction, etc. You choose!
Not sure what to write? Keep these tips in mind:
- Be straightforward: Give your review personality and recollect that people need to comprehend what you REALLY think.
- Be detailed: Tell us precisely what you loved or didn’t. Was it a story you couldn’t put down? Were the characters simply like individuals you know? What made it so good?
- Be precise: Be certain to get the title, creator, and character names right, in addition, to double-check your spelling and linguistic use. We aren’t able to post reviews that don’t make sense or have the wrong information.
- It should summarize the book as well as reveal insights drawn from the reading. It may incorporate short quotes from the book, compare the text to similar books, speak about the author, interject informed opinion.
- Reviewers are given the opportunity to assign a “recommended” rating to outstanding titles.
- DON’T spoil it: Please don’t give away the ending! Tell readers enough about the plot to hook them, but keep them hanging so that they want to read the book.
You don’t need to be an English major or an expert writer yourself. You just need to be able to write in coherent English with the assistance of a spellchecker. You do not need any special skills, but you do need to carefully read the books and put maximum effort into writing a quality, well-written, honest reviews to the best of your ability.
If you’re interested in writing on Analyzing Books and/or have any questions, get in touch with us here.
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