Browsing Category Coming-of-age Story

The Secret of Christopher Topher

The Secret of Christopher Topher

The Secret of Christopher Topher, by Gee Williams, tells the story of a twelve-year-old boy named Alex Smiley, and how he and his friend Karen spend four years of their lives working to save the human race. The reader is taken along with them on their journey, learning about the truth of the human race’s history. As it turns out, the Roman Catholic Church is perhaps not what it seems.

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Cinder by Marissa Meyer

Cinder, by Marissa Meyer, is a science fiction, futuristic retelling of the classic Cinderella story. In this world, Cinder is a cyborg due to an accident that occurred when she was 11, when she had to have her hand and leg replaced. Now she’s dealing with all manner of wires and mechanical parts, but there are some benefits. She can download information to fill in the blanks when she doesn’t know something, which gives her an uncanny ability to fix machines.

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Click Here: To Find Out How I Survived Seventh Grade

Click Here: To Find Out How I Survived Seventh Grade

Anyone who ever experienced bullying in school is bound to appreciate this novel. My mom gave me this book when I was going into 7th grade – appropriately, of course – and although I enjoyed it then, a re-read has reminded me of just how great it was. Click Here, by Denise Vega, tells the story of a girl named Erin Swift, who is separated from her best friend.

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The Night Circus

The Night Circus

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern, has received a large number of rave reviews. It tells the story of two children, Celia and Marco, who are trained for the majority of their lives in magic. This training, they learn very early, is meant to prepare them for a challenge in which they will face off with an unknown opponent. Full of mystery, romance and magic, this dark and hauntingly beautiful fantasy is unlike anything I’ve read before.

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