

Just when Azalea should feel that everything is before her—beautiful gowns, dashing suitors, balls filled with dancing—it’s taken away. All of it. And Azalea is trapped. The Keeper understands. He’s trapped, too, held for centuries within the walls of the palace. So he extends an invitation. Every night, Azalea and her eleven sisters may step through the enchanted passage in their room to dance in his silver forest, but there is a cost. The Keeper likes to keep things. Azalea may not realize how tangled she is in his web until it is too late. -summary of Entwined from Goodreads


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I wasn’t sure about this one at first, but on a whim, I checked it out from my ever faithful e-library. I am so glad I did! This tale was so sumptuous and gorgeous, I couldn’t help but love it from the first. The language is enchanting, and the world it is set in so perfect for the story. I could picture the setting perfectly, and it was beautiful.
The main characters were well drawn, and I really felt a connection to them. It did seem that the author was trying to flesh out all twelve of the sisters, but only three or four are really worthy of the term main character. And I’m okay with that. Any more, and it would have been too distracting. I loved how they were all named after plants, in alphabetical order. Contrary to another review that I read, I did not find this cliché. (And really, how else are you supposed to name them so the reader can keep track of them?)
The magic was beautiful as well and almost had a Beauty-And-The-Beast feel to it. The villain was deliciously creepy, and drawn so well that I almost started to like him before his dark side began to show. And when that dark side came out…look out. This villain holds the award for Creepiest Villain in history.


For fans of classic fairytales, Entwined really hits the spot. I only wished Heather Dixon would continue with the fairytales so that we could rejoin all our favorite swoon-worthy characters in yet another adventure.
All in all, Entwined is a very sumptuous novel, that I very much enjoyed. A cup of magicked tea, anyone?

Rating: 4 stars

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Violence/Graphic: 5/10 (some episodes with the villain-graphic and disturbing descriptions of murder, torture, etc.)
Language: 0/10 (as far as I can remember)
Sexual Content: 2/10 (kisses, mentions of underthings)

Recommended: Yes! 13 and up.

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