Life After E.L.E. by J.C. Morrows

“Extinction Level Event (E.L.E.): An event where all species on the planet can become extinct.

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Rule#1: Be inside the gates before sunset.

Eve was born inside the caves. She was taught that rule – and many others – before she could walk. It should be the easiest thing in the world for her to remember.

But life is not always simple.

Life does not always go as planned . . .

When a rogue moon was discovered on a collision course with the Earth, we thought we had a solid plan.

We were wrong. And we were lied to.

Now Eve is in a race against time, discovery and danger around every corner – to find a truth that has been hidden for more than ten years.

A truth her father died to protect her from.” –from Goodreads

This was a very interesting read–if not entirely fresh–read. It felt a lot like Delirium by Lauren Oliver, except set in Antartica (not literally–just somewhere really, really cold). It featured a lot of the same elements–dystopian society, girl affected by parent’s death, insta-love with a lot of kissing, and other throwbacks.

I gave it three stars because while the plot did hook me and keep me interested, I had several problems with it:

1. I liked the first-person writing. I’ve only read one other book by this author, and I can tell the writing has come a looong way. However: I did not like the constant re-hashing and reassessing EVERY. SINGLE. THING.

2. For a Christian author, this book felt very secular. Mentions of religion and prayer were few and far between, and felt obligatory. Also, the situations the character’s got into did not reflect a Christian perspective.

3. As I mentioned in #2, the characters got into some rather…passionate situations.(SPOILER:Towards the last part of the book, the MC and love interest started kissing–a lot. Not light kissing either. “You’re playing with fire,” the love interest tells Eve, and he was exactly right. Unfortunately, this was not a deterrent to either of them, but rather encourages them to even further dalliance. In fact, in the study questions at the end, the author mentions this fact. I found it surprising, and a little concerning.END SPOILER)

4. (SPOILER:I never really got why hunters had to work out all the time, and be taught self-defense. Also, when Eve got her bow, I was shouting in my head “Katniss moment!” Please, everyone, stop trying to be the next Hunger Games! Also, when Eve noticed Alan behaving oddly, it seemed really random and out of place. END SPOILER)

5. I did like the characters–mostly. Jude and Eve felt well rounded out (on the side: shout out to Nadine Brandes–I will never think of anyone named Jude the same way again. )*: ), but everyone else seemed to be lacking character development.

6. I was left with a LOT of unanswered questions. Yes, this may be a series, but I would appreciate it if the first book at least had a complete story arc that wasn’t dependent on sequels to wrap it up.

Overall, I wasn’t satisfied with the book. I would like to read the next one to see how the story continues, but I don’t have super high hopes for it.

Content guide (may contain spoilers):
Language 0/10
Violence 7/10 (lots of injuries, some serious, and some rather gory. characters are attacked and beaten up, by both the ‘good’ guys and the ‘bad’ guys.)
Sexual Content 6/10 (lots of embracing and kissing–including tongue kissing. Eve tries to goad Jude into further romantic entanglement–almost reads like she is trying to seduce him.)

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Rating: 3 stars
Recommended: With caution. 13 and up.

*Many thanks to the author for providing a copy to review!*

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