Posts Tagged ‘book review’

The Undomestic Goddess

The Undomestic Goddess

Before I begin, let me tell you that I am an avid fan of Sophie Kinsella, of the Shopaholic fame. I’ve read (and loved) almost all of the titles from that series and I was very excited when I stumbled upon “The Undomestic Goddess”. Similar to her previous writings, Sophie Kinsella has kept a comic undertone throughout the story even when describing some serious dilemmas.

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Hart Broken

Hart Broken

Mickey Hart doesn’t do one-night stands. Until she wakes up in a luxury penthouse. With nothing but a t-shirt. And no idea who it belongs to. Enter Cale Windermere. Driven. Ambitious. Successful. And so gorgeous he could’ve walked straight out of a romance novel…

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The Secret of Christopher Topher

The Secret of Christopher Topher

The Secret of Christopher Topher, by Gee Williams, tells the story of a twelve-year-old boy named Alex Smiley, and how he and his friend Karen spend four years of their lives working to save the human race. The reader is taken along with them on their journey, learning about the truth of the human race’s history. As it turns out, the Roman Catholic Church is perhaps not what it seems.

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Anatomy of an Epidemic

Anatomy of an Epidemic

Having watched one friend after another succumb to the lure of Prozac, and the irresistible argument that it’s a chemical imbalance that’s responsible for all their problems (and not their difficult marriage, family circumstances or financial straits) – I’ve been searching for a book to finally put the whole ‘chemical imbalance’ debate to bed, once and for all.

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