Posts Tagged ‘science’

Where Death is a Hunter

Where Death is a Hunter

Hannah Fatier has just started her first job as an anesthesiologist at Deaconess Hospital in San Francisco, she has just bought a new home, and she is newly engaged. In short, Hannah’s life is going well. That is, until a patient under Hannah’s care dies of mysterious causes during a routine operation. Someone has framed her for the death of her patient, but who? And more importantly, why?

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Anatomy of an Epidemic

Anatomy of an Epidemic

Having watched one friend after another succumb to the lure of Prozac, and the irresistible argument that it’s a chemical imbalance that’s responsible for all their problems (and not their difficult marriage, family circumstances or financial straits) – I’ve been searching for a book to finally put the whole ‘chemical imbalance’ debate to bed, once and for all.

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