Loss of Reason is about how a bomb goes off in New York and all the difficulties that the characters go through. A very interesting part of the book is that it’s also very technical.
Loss of Reason is about how a bomb goes off in New York and all the difficulties that the characters go through. A very interesting part of the book is that it’s also very technical.
Princess Una of Parumvir has come of age and will soon be married. Prince Aethelbald from the mysterious land of Farthestshore has traveled far to prove his love–and also to bring hushed warnings of danger. A dragon is rumored to be approaching Parumvir.
Josie lives in the French Quarter of New Orleans with her mother, and the year is 1950. Much the same as numerous other 17-year-olds, Josie has enormous dreams to get away from the ‘Huge Easy’ and set off for college, yet there are plenty of obstacles holding her back.
Liam Waite is a boy, only fifteen, who is living the dangerous life of a survivor after a series of terrible natural disasters, and is now trying to make it despite a lack of supplies and food. One day, however, an airship comes down, looking for his father.
Referencing the fall of Satan in a novel that is something of a mix between Paradise Lost and the “Hush, Hush” series by Becca Fitzpatrick, Fallen Angel, by David Lamour, tells Evelynn’s story of love, fear, and angels versus demons.
Winter, by Marissa Meyer, is the final installment in The Lunar Chronicles. Although the reader is granted a closer look at Princess Winter and the struggles she faces, we also see Cinder, Cress, Thorn, Scarlet, Kai, Iko and everyone else we have grown to love throughout the series.
Cress, by Marissa Meyer, focuses on the fantasy, sci-fi version of Rapunzel. Meyer tells the story of a girl who has been held captive in a satellite for at least seven years.
Outlander, by Diana Gabaldon, is the first book in a series of six, and introduces the reader to Claire Randall, a woman who worked as a nurse during World War II.
The 6th Horseman follows a story of six main characters as they each play a part in the end of the world. Each of them helped out someone named “Zilla” allow a virus to spread around New York City (and potentially the world), which kills off the population and turns them into zombies of sorts.
As the war intensifies, both Kestrel and Arin discover that the world is changing. The East is pitted against the West, and they are caught in between. With so much to lose, can anybody really win?