Browsing Category Modern Fiction

Where Death is a Hunter

Where Death is a Hunter

Hannah Fatier has just started her first job as an anesthesiologist at Deaconess Hospital in San Francisco, she has just bought a new home, and she is newly engaged. In short, Hannah’s life is going well. That is, until a patient under Hannah’s care dies of mysterious causes during a routine operation. Someone has framed her for the death of her patient, but who? And more importantly, why?

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The Quantum Door

The Quantum Door

The Quantum Door, by Jonathan Ballagh, tells the story of two brothers named Brady and Felix, who wander into the yard next door and end up getting into a mess that is extremely over their heads. Nova, their mysterious neighbor, initially tells them not to venture into her yard again. When she finds herself in trouble, however, it is up to Brady and Felix to jump in, head first, and do what they can to help.

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Click Here: To Find Out How I Survived Seventh Grade

Click Here: To Find Out How I Survived Seventh Grade

Anyone who ever experienced bullying in school is bound to appreciate this novel. My mom gave me this book when I was going into 7th grade – appropriately, of course – and although I enjoyed it then, a re-read has reminded me of just how great it was. Click Here, by Denise Vega, tells the story of a girl named Erin Swift, who is separated from her best friend.

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